Camping in the winter is a different game. You will be dealing with many different temperatures and the gear needed is very different. This time of year you are not looking for fans and ways to stay cool. What you are looking for is the best way to stay dry and keep warm. Cold temperatures leave risks, there is always a possibility of hyperthermia. It is best to prepare against the cold rather than having to deal with any emergencies.
To be prepared for cold temperatures is definitely important, but this article has more to offer than just that. The best winter camping gear in this article may or may not be news to you. I am going to put together a variety of familiar camping gear items along with some new cutting-edge products campers like you may not have even heard of yet!
Does that sound interesting? Good, the style of the article will be both informational, as well as product based. Learn some winter camping tips and find some gear for your next journey. Winter camping is just beginning and I am here to get you started.
Best Winter Camping Gear List
- High-Quality Snow Gear
- Winter Camping Stove
- Winter Sleeping Pads
- Winter Sleeping Bags
- Wear Winter Gaiters
- Camping Tomahawks
- Water Purifying Straw and Bottles
- Winter Backpacks
- Winter LED Lights
- Crampons (Ice Grips)
1. Before Anything, Find High-Quality Snow Gear
High-quality snow gear is the key essential need when it comes to camping in the winter. Look through our tips on each snow item below and see examples too!
Snow Pants
Find a pair of snow pants that are comfortable for you. If camping in the snow and you are out walking and hiking, get pants that aren’t too large. If you buy super heavy warm pants you will sweat a lot, actually causing a higher risk of getting cold, possible hyperthermia. I recommend a waterproof outside layer, with thermals underneath.
Men’s Snow Pants | ||
Women’s Snow Pants |
Winter Jacket
Similar to the snow pants, wear what is comfortable and not to warm. Overheating causes sweating, which can become a quick problem. Underneath wear good thermal layers that wicker away sweat. Winter jackets are expensive and your best bet is to try them on in stores. So will not recommend anything here.
Winter Boots
Find waterproof boots. Why? Because your feet are more important than you think. Ask any outdoor winter camper, they will say that keeping your feet dry and warm is the most important aspect of winter camping. Check out these boots:
Men’s Boots | ||
Women’s Boots |
Scarf & Balaclava
Finding snow gear that will prevent snow from going down your neck is important. Having a balaclava like this one is a need in a winter storm. A scarf is a great option to keep air and snow from entering, so wrap one around too.
Winter Hike Socks
It is very important to find socks that are not only made to keep you warm but socks that are also comfortable in hardcore hike conditions. When walking and trekking through snow your feet are moving almost 3 times more than they are walking on normal gravel. Finding a sock with the lowest chance of blistering your feet is important. Unlike in the summer, you can’t just take winter boots off and toss on a band-aid. This can make your feet chill quickly.
Winter Socks | 3 Pairs Thermal 80% Merino Wool Socks |
| SealSkinz Hydrostop Mid Weight Mid Length Sock |
2. Winter Camping Stove
CRKT Kangee Tomahawk with Sheath
The CRKT Kangee Tomahawk with Sheath is a perfect choice when looking for quality. It is durable, has a sleek design, and takes up minimum space. This tomahawk uses an SK5 carbon steel blade and it has a backside spike. The handle is glass-reinforced making it a “great feel” tomahawk. When chopping up wood you want a comfortable feel in your hands, and the CRKT is known to be a confident hawk. The price is fair and will last a substantial amount of time.
Hardcore Hardware Australia CTT-01 Black Tactical Tomahawk
Interested in the highest quality, toughest blade, and overall a top choice tomahawk for camping? Well the Hardcore Hardware Australia CTT-01 Black Tactical Tomahawk on Amazon easily beats other tomahawks because of its thick heavy feel. It cuts through wood so easily, feels amazing in your hands, and it has an extremely tough blade. Its D2 tool steel is long lasting and the Teflon finish looks crazy good. The price on this guy is high, but you won’t be buying any tomahawks anytime soon after.
SOG Specialty Knives F01TN-CP Tactical Tomahawk
As a camper, the SOG Specialty Knives F01TN-CP Tactical Tomahawk sells highly. Many people want a tomahawk at a “Best Bang For Your Buck” price and this is exactly the choice they make. As the lowest price tomahawk on this list, it still performs with high qualities. It is 24oz making it easy to pack on and take out. No worries of it dragging you down. Included is a nylon sheath that slings around, great to keep the hawk in top condition. Don’t forget its hammer edge for that tough and clean piercing spike!
7. Water Purifying Straws and Bottles
Most outdoor enthusiasts have probably heard of the purifying straw. The first time I heard of it I was so intrigued, I thought “wow” I can drink water on camping trips, hikes, and anywhere outside! It is truly an amazing invention.
Water purifying straws and bottles are common for camping. They are available in different styles and what not. Depending on the type of person you are, or how much you want to carry you would choose the straw or a bottle. You will not bring a full kit on a camping trip, so here are some mobile-friendly purifying products recommended for winter conditions.
The LifeStraw, that is available on Amazon, is the most popular purifying straw on the market. Why? Well, it is super affordable and provides the user with clean drinking water. The straw is an extremely versatile size, making it a number one choice for camping, hiking, and more. The straw removes 99.9999% of bacteria such as e-coli, Campylobacter, Vibrio cholera, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella and more. Don’t forget it removes 99.9% of protozoa too! The straw could last forever if not damaged physically. Just drink straight from a river in the winter and be provided with drinking water.
GRAYL Ultralight Water Purifier [+ FILTER] BOTTLE
This bottle works a little different than the straw. In the winter you need to find moving water that is not frozen or melt down some snow. In my other article “Tips For Tent Camping In The Snow“, I talk about how snow can be picked off the ground and put into your mouth. However, there could be consequences so I recommended boiling it for about 10 mins. But with the straw and bottle, just boil it until water and then it is drinkable.
The GRAYL bottle purifier uses a compression idea to push water down and filter it up into the pressed drinkable area. The water goes through a filter that rids bacteria and other unwanted protozoans. It is available in a variety of colors, so picking one each for the family is easy!
8. Winter Backpacks
Having a winter backpack is essential when camping in such conditions. Why would a backpack be important? Firstly, this is the area where you store items that can be used for life or death situations. You pack your firestarters, foods, sleeping gear, extra clothes, etc.
If your bag is not waterproof, snow can melt and easily pass through the seams of the bag. I recommend having a waterproof backpack cover, then you can worry more about your bags quality. Without it, your tent and sleeping bag is now soaked, making chances for survival minimum. Maybe your food is sogged and ruined? Uh oh… your firestarter kit is soaked and unable to light up.
These issues can be prevented with a higher quality bag and a good cover. Prices are always important, but going cheap on a backpack can lead to some terrible camping experiences. Choosing quality is important, affordability can wait for the summer.
The North Face Cobra 60 Hiking Backpack TNF Black Summit Gold
Osprey Men’s Atmos 65 AG Backpack
The Osprey Atmos 65 AG Backpack is a backpack of quality. It is made out of nylon, meaning it is super water resistant, but not 100% waterproof. It is made to fit all body sizes, just adjust the torso length with the smooth sliding straps. The top lid can extend for extra space or be removed to reduce weight. Overall, the bag is versatile and a great choice for winter camping. People have carried 60 lbs comfortably in the Osprey. Pack everything you need and get comfortable.
Osprey Packs Women’s Viva 65 Backpack
The Osprey Packs Women’s Viva 65 Backpack is basically the women’s version of the Atmos 65. It is shaped more comfortably for women’s body shape. The pack is very adjustable for almost any size and shape. The internal compression straps help keep things stable, making your comfort experience much better. It can carry a lot of items, so if you want to stuff it tight just expect a heavy load.
Also, getting a waterproof bag cover that was mentioned above is the way to go with this bag.
9. Winter LED Lights
In the cold, you need a light that will withstand the temperatures. Cold temperatures do happen to kill battery power rapidly. When deciding to buy a winter camping light it must be durable and waterproof. The more durable the light the stronger against the temperatures. When waterproof, it will keep melting snow from entering to damage the battery, plus if water gets through it will eventually freeze in winter.
Convenient lights are also great options for winter camping. Having a small low weight light is great because it takes minimum space in your backpack. Take a look at some different options that are suited for everyone:
Winter Camping Lights | Stanley FATMAX Waterproof |
10. Crampons (Ice Grips)
What is a crampon? It is a durable piece of gear that connects to the bottom of your shoes to prevent you from slipping on ice/snow. There is a strap that wraps around your boot to make sure it is tightly secured to your footwear. Connected to the strap is the steel bottom, where metal spikes are secured to the bottom of your boot. These spikes dig into ice and hard snow, preventing a bad spill. You see ice hockey trainers wearing a similar product when having to go on the ice. See a variety of options below:
Crampons |
I hope you found some winter camping gear items you liked! If you are going out in the snow tent camping you are bound to have a number of these items. If you don’t have something don’t hesitate, go ahead and make it worth your while. I guarantee, as a tent camper myself that these items are essential for winter camping!
If you are looking for winter tents read our “Best Winter Camping Tents” article or our “Best Canvas Tents” article.
Are there any items that you think should have made the list? Please let us know in the comments! Also, just let us know if you like our list, I love to hear from our visitors.
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